
The subject of this literary book is a novel written by Zulfo Livaneli, translated into Kurdish by Farhad Chomani and published by Ghazalnoos Center.

The author of this book, whose novels have been translated into forty languages, was imprisoned for his thoughts and lived in exile for eleven years.

He resigned as a UNESCO goodwill ambassador for 20 years, citing the destruction of cities in North Kurdistan by the Turkish state.

“If you put me back in your womb again, you still can’t protect me, Mom!”

This was Hussein’s last words in his meeting with his mother. The old woman repeated these words as she wiped her tears with her handkerchief.

Perhaps the most appropriate word to describe the spirit of the times is “unrest”.

A restlessness that is a spark of fire that hits the sun and burns it. All this war and destruction, destruction not only on the material level and the destruction of cities, but also the destruction of people.

This novel begins with the story of Hussein and takes us to a completely different point, presenting violence based on difference.

In this country, ethnic hatred, sectarian and religious wars have caused all communities to hate each other In Merdin, the Kurds talk about the orders, massacres and kidnappings of the Yezidi Kurds does.

In this novel we encounter religious extremism, an extremism that considers believers of any other religion worthy of slaughter and killing because they are not Muslims, just as through the story of Hussein, he talks about ethical and religious extremist groups in America They are subjected to various forms of violence.

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